Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Szeto Keung: Remembrances
地點:灣仔藝術中心何鴻章排練室(Eric Hotung Studio)



他以照相寫實風格繪畫成名於紐約藝壇,畫作由SOHO著名畫廊OK Harris Gallery代理,為旅美華人畫家佼佼者。花與玫瑰是他畫作中經常出現的物件,2009年在台灣誠品畫廊舉辦個展「穹界之花」,嬌嫰的鮮花懸浮在黑洞般的宇宙穹蒼間,呈現出他對生命的綣戀與透視,其美其哀。他曾說:「死亡是任何有情生命的必然輪迴,繁花殞落,繽紛又淒哀,臨終繾綣回首,以豔無盡悲哀,尤有熾烈執著的熱情。」





Stella Fong、Samson Young、Ivy Ma

聯絡人:白雙全 email:

PS: 來賓辭謝鮮花與帛金。

Flower of the Galaxy
Chinese-American artist Szeto Keung passed away in a hospital in New York at the age of 63, after suffering from a heart attack.

Born in Guangdong Province, China in 1948, Szeto Keung moved to Hong Kong at the age of two with his family. In 1969, he went to National Taiwan Normal University to study art. Upon graduating he left for New York to pursue a master’s degree and has lived there ever since.

As a veteran artist in New York, he was known for his photo-realist painting style, and was represented by noted SoHo gallery Harris Gallery. Flowers and roses were recurring motifs in his work. Paintings in his 2009 solo exhibition at Eslite Gallery in Taiwan depict delicate flowers suspended in the galaxy, expressing his passion and perspective towards life. He once said, “Death is a cycle inevitable for any sentient life. Flowers will blossom then fade, bloom with vibrant color then droop with desolate sadness. It is hard to let go right before death, when one reflects on one’s life with sorrow at memorable moments. If one is of a more passionate nature, he will feel deeper grief towards the flower’s demise.”

Szeto Keung was friendly and approachable. He frequently hosted and mentored young artists from Hong Kong and Taiwan during their stays in New York. After his passing, his friends have paid tribute to him in their writings.

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